Anionic Flocculant (for mineral slurry treatment)


Our anionic Aquaestrol products are used mainly for flocculation of mineral and hydroxide type solid particles and colloids, preferably for clarification of washing water and thickening of sludge mineral processing.
The applications usually involve the flocculation of very fine to colloidal solid particles suspended in neutral to alkaline slurries, which contain mainly inorganic solids.
The mode of action of these flocculants are based essentially on an ion disruption between the electrical charges along the polymer chain, which are present in aqueous solution, and the surface charges on the suspended solid particles.
The particle surfaces are destabilized, thus bringing about a process of coagulation and flocculation.
The typical usage rates of the anionic Aquaestrol products are between 0.1 to 0.3 kg/dried ton solids for clarification and 0.2 to 0.6 kg/dried ton solid for thickening applications.
The product must be applied on a continuous basis at a suitable mixing point before the clarifiers or thickeners.